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Quick jump: Flight - Teldir - NTFS Permission

The Flight application

I have designed in 1999 a Flight schedule reporting web site. The existing Oracle database has not been modified, this tool is still used daily by all company staff.

A view of the flight schedule application
        (click for a larger version) No script
Another view of the flight schedule application
        (click for a larger version) No script


The Teldir application

This application as been written with the main goal of improving telephone cost reporting capability. It as been written from scratch. Calls information are downloaded from the PABX every night with a custom script (later compilled as an executable) to a SQL 2000 databases. All check are made to ensure the validaty of the data.

IT support staff assign phone billing information through an intuitive web interface (see below).

The admin/allocation view of the Teldir application
        (click for a larger version) No script

Many "services" can be used as link between a user and it's phone. The calls paid by the company can be separated from the calls made by the user. At least three sort of entity can be billed: The company itself (through various cost center), the end user (recovered from the salary) and partner compagny, using their one billing system.

The cost reporting obviously contain confidential information, budget responsible have their one web view that they can use to investigate their cost. Partner company are also provided with a personalised view and they can only see cost charged to their company. End user can follow daily their cost on a web view (see below)

The user's view of the Teldir application (click for a
       larger version) No script

All users are transparently authenticated (NTLM on the web site and Integrated on SQL 2000) and can see only the information they are entitled to.

Security has been implemented both at IIS level and in SQL 2000. Stored procedure are used by end user to get their personal calls. The userid is not a parameters, but retrieved directly from the authentication information.

Public reporting, providing only aggregated data, have greatly helped to reduce the phone related cost within the compagny.


NTFS Permission reporting web site

Obviously, I cannot really shows how this web site display NTFS permissions for a company. The idea was to force data owner to assign responsible permission in their area of control, by reporting on an easy to understant format.

It's also possible to query the permission for a specific user. This application rely on client scripting, ASP on the server side and SQL and the back-end. An VB6 executable is lauched to dump Active Directory information to the SQL databases .

It works well, but du to the sensitive nature of the information behind this application, I cannot shows any screen copy.



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Last update : 28 Mar. 2004